суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

ew look

First hours are over. And *fuck* I should pack my gloves when I�leave for riding a bike ceases to be fun if your fingers turn into icicles.

Ran some errands, enjoyed the good weather and bitched about the ongoing stupidity of motorists in the Rhineland on a Saturday (itapos;s a phenomenon that deserves special study, really...)

People who inquired if I had a toothache as I was taking out the trash were wrong: Iapos;d just started my catching up telethon with SGA 5.11. Yep. Wonapos;t say anything else about it because....*ouch*

Just finished the first episode of "Merlin" and now I�got this persistent grin pasted on my face. It hurts.�It itches. Iapos;m sure itapos;s toxic. How did it get there?�Is there a�way to remove it? Jesus... �*mad giggles* I donapos;t know yet who I�should feel most sorry for...Gaius, for getting this "apprentice", Merlin, for landing the "manservant" job (Camelot�ARGE?:-)))�with his "destiny" (the phrasing is oh so loaded, dear BBC, just what on�Earth were TPTB smoking when the concept for this show was created?), or Arthur, for being graced (by his Royal Selfimportantness Uther)�with this big-eared gangly wiseass?

Well, I suppose I should get the other episodes over with so that my eveningapos;s free for more serious television. Besides, "Sneakers" is on tonight...and you know me...:-)

david tao concert 2006, ew look, ew london, ew loggers, ew logger.

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